Beverage manufacturers worldwide rely on the KLEANZ Family of Services to protect their operation and ensure cleaning and sanitation efforts are to specification every time. KLEANZ is always configured to fit industry-specific needs and operation-specific needs. No two operations function the exact same way and KLEANZ is the only solution built to accommodate that.
Our partners use the system to schedule all sanitation efforts, execute duties, and track data over time for operational trends. This diligent tracking gives decision-makers the information needed for driving continuous improvement.
Having an efficient, detailed documentation repository creates a complete audit trail allowing beverage manufacturers to meet and exceed all regulatory requirements.
KLEANZ is built for Beverage manufacturers:
- CIP tracking & trending for optimum sanitation
- Swab mapping to determine areas of risk and recurrence
- Metrics for recycled materials for bottles and packaging
- Non-compliance alerting
- Risk mitigation & recall management
- Configurable data collection that grows with your business
The Multi-Award Winning KLEANZ Mobile Solution
Taking it to the plant floor. That is where the action is. With KLEANZ Mobile, tasks may be assigned and reviewed directly on mobile devices. Paperlessly create detailed corrective actions with photos during inspections and self-audits. Get your data in real-time!